Thursday, February 14, 2008

Education Changes Needed?

Associated Press, 2008. Technology demands ed. changes. In Teacher Magazine
February 10.

In a brief overview of the 2006 Pew Internet & American Life project, this article estimates 64% of those ages 12 - 17 have created online content. Also, 8% of adults have created a blog, while 28% of teens have. Boys post more video files, but girls dominate the blogosphere and photo postings.

I guess I'm girly for enjoying online blogging (but then again, I've always kept writing journals, which my Danish friends always say is a very middle school girl thing to do). Whatever.

It is interesting that teens from single-parent households, and lower income teens are more likely to blog than those from affluent backgrounds. Any idea why this might be?

The #'s of bloggers doubled in the elapsed two years of the Pew study. Over 89% of teens said they've responded to an online posting.

Teens are labeled here as "super communicators."

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